About the Studio
our philosophy & mission
The human body is designed to move, the mind has evolved to imagine, our emotions destined to connect.
Advancements of the modern world as brilliant and convenient as they are have conditioned a disconnect between body and mind and between human to human interaction.
It is our mission to acknowledge the uniqueness and provide opportunity to modern day individuals, within a supportive small group environment to move with intent, imagine possibilities and feel connection.
Our motto is “thoughtful movement for modern life”
The importance of breath
When we are aware of our breath and breathing properly with our diaphragm, we are present. We spend much of our lives doing things where our mind is elsewhere either thinking or worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet or ruminating over what’s come and gone.
One full diaphragmatic breath communicates to every cell in your body that you are safe. The more at ease your nervous system is, the clearer your mind will be.
Exercise presents the opportunity to become aware of our breath and practice presence. Whether that is breath work in yoga, finding your rhythm when you run or using the exhale to engage effectively during exertion in a gym exercise.
The more present you are and aware of your intentions as to why you’re exercising, the more in control you are of the outcome you’re striving for. By practicing being present and understanding the importance of breath, we hope you can take these skills into other areas of your life and get the most out of each day because you’re truly there living in the moment.
Classes Overview
Our yoga, pilates and running based classes are designed to complement each other, for example by learning to breathe well and becoming more aware of your breath in yoga, this translates really well to conditioning the cardiovascular system to run; by strengthening your core and creating a more stable pelvis in pilates, you massively decrease your risk of injuries, commonly encountered from running and (surprisingly) yoga.
Our classes are suitable for beginner to advanced levels. Our teachers are qualified in training you as an individual with the group setting. It is important however to let the teacher know about any injuries or changes to health so they can give you modifications, regressions, progressions
Finally, at Studio Torus we believe the social side of exercise is a key ingredient to you maintaining your routine for the long term and gaining the results you want. The people you come across in the studio, whether that be teachers or fellow members are your secret weapon to success.
Visit our classes page for more information.
Meet Studio Torus founder Emma Somerville
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