I never considered myself a runner. I always hated running as a teenager/adult, even though I did little athletics and cross country as a child. As soon as I stopped running as a kid I never did it again, I found it hard and didn't thinks I was fast enough. I joined the running group as a way to get back into running and to learn to maybe not hate it so much. I have learned to enjoy running and have seen my fitness and ability to run longer distance get better over time - even though I only run with the group once a week. The best part about the running group was that I could go at my own pace. I could walk if I needed to and was encouraged the whole time. I also never felt like I was holding the rest of the group back. In the running group I ran the furthest I ever have, and this year will fun my first 10km fun run - something I thought I would never do. Other benefits of the running group include: learning how to run properly, warming up the muscles and learning about what muscle groups you use when you run, and cool down, rolling and stretching techniques that I wouldn't have learnt running on my own. This group is great for anyone who wants to start their fitness journey and seasoned runners - it covers everyone.


I have been a regular yogi at Studio Torus for 12 months and I must say enjoying my time on the mat and receiving my time out from everyday life. Studio Torus offers a relaxing atmosphere and my instructors Emma, Kate and Lorena offer the best classes around. I have been a strong yoga exponent having regularly attended yoga classes for the last 5 years at a couple of different yoga centres.

Building internal space, fitness and strengthening the body is what Studio Torus offers and I am very grateful to receive.

Come down and enjoy!


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